I'm a devoted wife, grandmother, and a retired environmental scientist. Although I live and worked well-grounded in the world of reality and science, some of the most helpful and valuable experiences that have moved me have emanated from the surreal imagination and nature.
When different people read Imagine It Better, they add a bit of themselves to it, so everyone reads and understands it in a way that is unique and meaningful to them. To me, Imagine It Better is a very figurative autobiography.
In a world where children are exposed to preprogramed virtual reality and emojis often replace language, Imagine It Better offers an ember to ignite the creative spirit and stretch the imagination. Exposure to artistic language styles and vocabulary, coupled with science-based tall tales not only stimulates the mind, but also inspires creativity and promotes curiosity and academic exploration of the natural world.
We must be dreamers of dreams to envision our circumstances and the world better, and that begins with what's around us on a daily basis. Together we'll make the world we dream a beautiful reality.